Hi, there! My name is Brandon Nielsen, and I'm a deaf artist. I have been drawing since I was three years old. I'm still working on this website and my bio. I'm doing all this solo with no outside help, so this whole thing is going to be a bit slow, but I will check back here to update everything over time. Eventually, my bio will be more fleshed out and a little more detailed. For now, I'm just a mystery artist. If you would like to find out more about my process, stay in touch! I'd love new fans of my work!
I started drawing at three years old. Art defines me, and I am confident that my selection of paintings showcases my creativity and passion for it. I invite you to check my gallery, where I always add a bunch of my artworks. You will see that each of my paintings has a story to tell. If you purchase a piece, I hope it inspires you and makes you feel the same way I did when creating these one-of-a-kind art pieces.
Contact me if you have any commission in mind.